BCB Therapy specializes in treating insomnia.

BCB Therapy specializes in treating insomnia.

BCB Therapy specializes in treating insomnia. In addition to biofeedback, we also use Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I).

Insomnia is a prevalent problem with over 50% of adults reporting they have difficulty sleeping. With so many sleeping medications on the market, why do we need an alternative? Sleeping pills don’t cure insomnia, they attempt to treat the symptoms, and once the medication is stopped, the insomnia returns. Sustained change doesn’t come from external factors. In addition, some sleeping medications don’t result in more sleep. Instead, they cause the person to forget that they kept waking up. In contrast, CBT-I treats the typical causes, which are underlying thoughts and behaviors. In three separate studies since 1999, CBT-I has been found to be more effective than sleeping pills in treating insomnia.


The American Psychological Association (APA), the National Institute of Health (NIH), and the New England Journal of Medicine endorse CBT-I as an effective and preferred method for treating insomnia.

Research on CBT-I shows the following:

  • 75% of insomnia patients experience significantly improved sleep
  • The majority become normal sleepers
  • 85-90% reduce or eliminate sleeping pills
  • CBT-I is more effective than sleeping pills
  • Unlike sleeping medication, CBT-I and biofeedback don’t have adverse side-effects

CBT-I, developed by Gregg Jacobs, PhD, is based on over 20 years of experience in research and clinical practice at Harvard Medical School. The 6-week protocol helps people change their thoughts and behaviors around sleeping. These changes tend to result in improved sleep, reduction or elimination of sleeping pills, and less anxiety around sleep. We help people strengthen their sleep system and increase their sleep efficiency both of which lead to long-term alleviation.


CBT-I, especially when combined with biofeedback, can help people who have problems falling asleep or problems waking during the night and people who want to reduce or eliminate sleep medications.

CBT-I consists of an initial assessment and five individual sessions over a 6-week period.

An essential component of CBT-I involves developing effective relaxation skills. Our biofeedback training includes simple techniques and, through the technology, verification that they are working. The neurofeedback we use, Low Energy Neurofeedback System (LENS), also helps insomnia by helping the brain obtain optimal functioning. In addition, biofeedback and neurofeedback are both effective treatments for underlying anxiety that may be contributing to the insomnia. This is good news! Our integrated treatment has the potential to help you no matter how long you have been struggling. The therapy we offer treats the underlying cause and offers you support as you develop new skills, thoughts, and behaviors. This is not a “quick fix” like over the counter sleeping pills offer, but it is more effective and the results will last after treatment ends.


We are here to help, contact us now.