Bend Counseling & Biofeedback is a compassionate and innovative therapeutic practice in Bend, Oregon, specializing in providing mental health treatments to young adolescent girls. With a team of experienced and caring clinical professionals, we offer personalized treatment to meet the individual needs of every youth we serve.

Bend Counseling & Biofeedback provides strength-based treatment approaches such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). All these services are provided by highly trained clinicians who use evidence-based practices to help young women achieve their goals and work towards healthier futures. By focusing on each client's strengths, Bend Counseling & Biofeedback Therapy helps adolescents develop practical coping skills for dealing with stressors in their everyday lives.

What Are the 13 Most Common Mental Health Issues in Teenage Girls?

1. Anxiety:

Anxiety is a common mental health issue experienced by teenage girls, characterized by excessive worries and fear that can interfere with daily life. It can cause physical symptoms such as heart palpitations, sweating, trembling, and shortness of breath. Teenage girls may experience feelings of dread or worry about school, relationships, or the future.

2. Depression:

Depression is another mental health issue suffered by many teen girls. Symptoms of depression include persistent feelings of sadness and loss of interest in activities previously enjoyed. Other signs of depression include:

problems sleeping or sleeping too muchchanges in appetite or weightlow energy levelsfeelings of worthlessness or guilt

3. Social Phobia:

Social phobia is an intense fear of being judged or embarrassed in social situations. It can lead to avoidance behaviors such as not making eye contact with others or avoiding speaking up in class. Teenage girls are particularly vulnerable to social anxiety due to peer pressure from friends and family members regarding appearance and behavior expectations.

4. Panic Disorder:

Panic disorder causes recurrent panic attacks in which sufferers experience sudden intense fear accompanied by physical symptoms such as chest pain, rapid heartbeat, sweating, and nausea. A frightening event, such as a school presentation or negative thoughts about oneself, may trigger a panic attack. Teen girls can also be at risk for agoraphobia, an intense fear of leaving home that prevents them from engaging in activities outside the house due to fear of having a panic attack in public places.

5. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD):

OCD is a mental health disorder characterized by obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors that interfere with everyday activities. Symptoms of OCD include recurrent, intrusive thoughts and ritualized behaviors such as counting or cleaning. Teen girls tend to experience symptoms of OCD at a higher rate than boys, with around 15-20% of female adolescents diagnosed with the disorder.

6. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD):

PTSD is an anxiety disorder triggered by experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event. It can cause fear, panic attacks, flashbacks, nightmares, social isolation, and other negative effects on mental health. While both boys and girls can experience PTSD, it appears to affect girls to a greater extent - approximately 12-15% of teen girls have been found to experience PTSD symptoms.

7. Mood Disorders:

Mood disorders refer to a wide range of conditions that can cause persistent changes in moods or behaviors. Common mood disorders include depression, bipolar disorder, and seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Approximately 10-15% of teen girls are affected by mood disorders like depression and bipolar disorder, making them the most common mental health issues among this demographic group.

8. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD):

ADHD is one of the most commonly diagnosed mental health problems in teenagers - especially among teen girls - with an estimated 6-10% being diagnosed with the condition worldwide. Symptoms may include difficulty focusing on tasks for extended periods, disorganization, and hyperactivity.

A safe and non-judgemental experience

9. Disruptive Behavior Disorder:

Disruptive behavior disorders refer to behavioral challenges when kids struggle to control their emotions and impulses in social situations or while interacting with adults or authority figures. Upwards of 8-10% of adolescent females have been reported to have disruptive behavior disorders such as oppositional defiant disorder (ODD).

10. Eating Disorders:

Eating disorders are severe psychological conditions characterized by abnormal eating habits that can lead to significant physical and psychological consequences if left untreated. Anorexia nervosa is common in teenage girls - affecting up to 3-6%. This type involves restricting food intake below what's necessary for age development and participating in excessive exercise routines to maintain an abnormally low body weight for one’s height, size, and biological gender.

11. Psychosis:

Psychosis is a mental disorder that affects how someone thinks, feels, and behaves. It can involve hallucinations, delusions, disorganized thinking, and impaired emotional expression. Symptoms of psychosis may include hearing voices, having false beliefs about reality (delusions), seeing or feeling things that are not there (hallucinations), difficulty speaking clearly or logically, and disorganized behavior. In teen girls, this can manifest in uncharacteristic outbursts of anger or violence, confusion about identity and purpose, problems with self-esteem, social withdrawal, or paranoia.

12. Suicide or Self-harm:

Suicide is the second leading cause of death among teens aged 15 to 19 worldwide. Self-harm is a significant risk factor for suicide and is often seen as a way for teens to cope with negative emotions.

Warning signs can include:

  • Cutting or self-injury behaviors
  • Making plans or trying to commit suicide
  • Talking about wanting to die or kill themselves
  • Expressing feelings of hopelessness or worthlessness
  • Giving away prized possessions
  • Isolating oneself from family and friends.

13. Risky Behaviors:

Risky behaviors in teen girls can include:

  • Experimenting with drugs and alcohol
  • Engaging in unsafe sexual activities
  • Reckless driving
  • Engaging in cyberbullying
  • Participating in dangerous activities such as cliff jumping
  • Neglecting school work
  • Engaging in criminal activity such as shoplifting
  • Running away from home
  • Skipping classes
  • Lying and stealing from parents/guardians
  • Displaying aggressive behavior towards peers/family members/teachers/others
  • Showing signs of depression/anxiety, including sleeping too much/too little or appetite changes

All these risky behaviors increase the chance of developing psychological health issues like substance abuse disorders, anxiety disorder, depression, etc., which can have long-term consequences on mental health if left untreated.

A safe and non-judgemental experience

What Can Cause Mental Illness in Teenage Girls?

Mental illness in teen girls can have a variety of causes, both physical and social.

These can include the natural hormonal and physiological changes that occur during adolescence, poverty, abuse (both physical, verbal, mental, or sexual), and violence in the home or at school.

In addition to environmental factors such as these, genetics may also play a role in increasing susceptibility to mental illness - studies have found that if one parent has a mental illness, their child is two to three times more likely to develop it. Furthermore, if both parents are affected by mental illness, the likelihood increases fivefold. This is due to genetic inheritance and a child's environment being impacted by their parents’ conditions.

Alongside this, teens are more prone to developing mental illnesses due to their rapidly changing bodies and minds which can cause feelings of confusion and insecurity about the future. Therefore, young people must receive support from their families during these vulnerable years to help them cope with such difficult circumstances.

Discover Effective Teen Counseling at Bend Counseling & Biofeedback in Oregon

Finding better mental health for your teen at Bend Counseling & Biofeedback is a journey that starts with understanding the treatments available. At Bend Counseling & Biofeedback, we offer psychotherapy like EMDR and Brainspotting, medications, and biofeedback to empower teens to understand their mental health and make positive changes to feel better.

Our team of experienced and compassionate professionals provides in-person and telehealth appointments to ensure help is always available when needed. With our variety of services, teens can find the support they need to take charge of their mental health journey and build the foundation for a healthier tomorrow. Call us at (541) 550-7940 or contact us online to get started.