

What is Rumination?

Rumination is a cognitive process by which someone focuses on negative thoughts and activities, and their consequences. It is distressing for those who have it because it can be extremely difficult to stop these negative thoughts. Ruminating can be like a runaway train, where someone is unable to stop thinking negatively. Those who suffer from ruminating can often feel hopeless when these thoughts don't stop. There is hope for those suffering from this condition, as there are therapy methods they can use to help reduce symptoms.

What are the symptoms of rumination?

Ruminating can cause many mental and physical symptoms. These symptoms can present themselves as anxiety, depression, digestive issues, tense muscles, headaches, and more. These symptoms can get worse at night because there is nothing to distract you from these distressing thoughts. Rumination can be treated with help from mental health professionals, decreasing these thoughts and symptoms.

Is rumination a form of anxiety?

Rumination can cause anxiety and depression, or it can be a symptom of either. Ruminating is common, and can be treated along with anxiety and depression. This can be done through counseling, cognitive behavioral therapy, and EMDR.

Counseling offers a safe space to discuss mental health symptoms and conditions privately with an expert. You can schedule sessions monthly, weekly, or however often works for your schedule. Your counselor may use cognitive behavioral therapy techniques to help you recognize unhealthy thought patterns and work towards changing them into positive ones.

EMDR is a type of therapy that was created to help those suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), which can cause rumination. EMDR can also help those who suffer from anxiety, depression, and ruminations that are not related to PTSD. Brain scans taken before and after EMDR therapy show a visible difference in brain activity associated with ruminating. It can help calm anxious thoughts, allowing those undergoing anxiety treatment in Bend to relax and experience a decrease in negative thoughts.

How can BCB Therapy help?

If you or someone you know has any of the symptoms of rumination, the best thing you can do is get professional assistance with managing your symptoms. At BCB Therapy, we offer personalized counseling, which can also be done through our telehealth services via phone or video call. Don't forget to ask about our EMDR Therapy, which can help you see visible results for even the most severe mental health conditions.

If you or a loved one are ready to start the journey towards feeling better, contact us today to start the journey to feeling better.


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